Elmo Karjalainen
Do you see that cool looking hairy guy in the picture on the left? You know the one playing the Fender, well he is one hell of a guitarist, and he just released a new CD. If you have read earlier blogs of mine you will probably already know a bit about him but just in case you don't keep reading.
OK, there are several reasons why you should keep an ear out for this Finish guitarists work...
- First off he is Finish and he plays Metal, and we all know those Finns sure know how to play Metal!
- plays in Deathlike Silence, Conquest, Seagrave and Helena & Kalevi.
- He has released a critically acclaimed instrumental albums under his own name, called “Unintelligent Designs”, and it's digital EP follow up, called “Unintelligent Leftovers”.
This all brings us to The Free Guitar Album. Yes you read me correctly The Free Guitar Album. As I have stated before I am a big believer in free music. It enables artists to spread the word about their talent and puts people in the seats at concerts.
“The whole idea was to give people the chance to listen to a whole record of mine, without having to buy anything, pay for a streaming service, or download off some strange site on the net”, says Elmo. The album will be available exclusively from Elmo’s website, http://elmojk.com on the June 11, 2015.
The Free Guitar Album is a great album. Elmo not only manages to entertain his listeners with his fine flying fingers (Instrumetal) on this release but also manages to do so with some humor (Clark-stan). I quite like the tone of his playing, it has a smooth and effortless feel to it. He manages to prove a talent for bending genres as well as he bends strings.
You can hear hints of Steve Vai in the tone of his guitar, such as in Don't Quit Yer Day Job. It is usually at this point I am reminded that all of the instrumentation on this album except the drums on the track She Sleeps on the Moon is Elmo.
Overall I found the CD to be a quite enjoyable listen. It will definitely be played alongside my other favorite guitarists instrumental albums.
If you are one of the many of us who strum away on your guitar daily trying to chase that tune in your head or just a fan of great guitar playing you will want to not only pick up this album but follow Elmo Karjalainen online.
On You-tube he regularly shares videos on his creative work that take you behind the scenes of his playing. If you want to get even more in-depth he publishes a guitar blog that covers everything from what he is listening to his influences for his instrumentals.
In the meantime check out the following videos from previous Elmo Karjalainen projects...
Handstands, tricycles, Hard Rock, and High Energy and it is all coming to Limestone City. That is right The KiLLeR DWaRFs are bringing their kick ass rock and roll act here to Kingston, Ontario, Canada!
Russ, Darrell, Gerry, and Johnny have been busy touring their headbanging hearts out in support of their Start @ One album. These guys are busy keeping the rock and roll flame alive, so fan those flames and come on down to The Overtime Sports Bar for some alcohol fueled rock and roll.


Will Black
Will Black is one hell of a great live singer and musician! He has just began his 10th season performing at Hog Penny Pub in Hamilton, Bermuda.

He is getting set to host the 2nd Annual Will Black OPS: Escape To Bermuda 3 day fan event over the Canada Day Beach Party weekend of June 26 – June 28, 2015 on the beautiful island of Bermuda. It should be an amazing bash full of fun and great music.
You can keep up with Will's plans for his next tour on his Facebook page or his webpage. Until that happens he is constantly posting new material on YouTube .
Go and check out his sites, he has one of those great classic rock voices that would make singing the phone book a hit record.
Alek Darson
Now, onto another one of my favorite modern day guitarists Alek Darson. This guy is simply Incredible on the six string.
Recently GuitarWorld.com presented the exclusive premiere of Fingers Painted Purple, a new video by guitarist Alek Darson. It is a live performance played on a Wood Guerilla fretless guitar.
If you have not heard his PANOPTICON EP than go to his website and get it! Recently the French site neoprog said that "It has a unique approach and sound, and his guitar playing is amazing.
Well, that is what several of our favorite rockers have been up to lately. Thank you for reading and Keep on Rockin'.
Kevin Sweeney
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